Math Nerds Beware: Peter Thiel Warns AI Is Coming for Your Jobs First 

Beware coders, accountants, and all those whose jobs are number-centric, the PayPal co-founder says in a podcast, adding that ‘word people’ will be harder to replace in the near future.

Source: Math Nerds Beware: Peter Thiel Warns AI Is Coming for Your Jobs First |

Real estate giant Redfin adds air quality analysis to its home listings



Real estate giant Redfin recently published a new feature on its website and app that allows users to see how many days, on average, you can expect your area to experience poor air quality, as well as the expected increase.

Source: Real estate giant Redfin adds game-changing new feature to its home listings: ‘People do use this information’

Cognitive Scientist Pinker on “What’s wrong with our universities” 

Here’s a new one-hour interview of Steve Pinker by John Tomasi, inaugural president of the Heterodox Academy. Here are the YouTube notes: Are our higher education institutions still nurturing…

Source: Pinker on “What’s wrong with our universities” – Why Evolution Is True